Release new album

On the 21st of September Artvark released their 10th album: Mother of Thousand. New music inspired by the sound of Arvo Pärt and Aphex Twin. A soundtrack for the ultimate road trip.

[youtube id=”KApK3Fwzwhg”]

On the 1st single of the album we play very rare slide saxophones from the roaring 1920’s. A genuine world premiere! In the clip of the 2nd single you can see us play 4 original Adolphe Sax saxophones build in the 1860’s in the workdhop of Adolphe Sax himself.

On the 3rd single STNKS we turned the saxophone into a percussion instrument, drumming on the keys and using air to make a groove. The alto solo by Bart Wirtz is recorded with his iPhone.

Watch all three clips and read more about Mother of Thousand on the project page.

To order a Mother of Thousand CD or LP: please send us an e-mail.